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UAP's Are Here, Get Used To It. 5 Reasons To Pay Attention

Guest Author Phil

'Calvine Photograph' pictured above, taken by two hikers in the Scottish Highlands in 1990

Popular UAP theories include:

Extraterrestrial (Intelligence from Off-Planet)

  • Piloted craft from an extraterrestrial civilization

  • AI drones from an extraterrestrial civilization (ex. van Neumann probes)

Ultraterrestrial (Intelligence Originating from Earth)

  • An older earth civilization

  • Current oceanic or underground earth civilization

  • US or foreign government


  • From an alternate reality, dimension, or timeline

Think Everything, Everywhere, All At Once for the Interdimensional theory.

I gravitate towards the idea of extraterrestrials, mostly because it’s interesting to imagine galactic neighbors.

5 Reasons To Pay Attention to UAP

1. The relationship between UAP and Nuclear Power

UAP are interested in our nuclear technology. Do nuclear weapons have a ripple effect across space? Or do UAP worry they could destroy Earth?

Regardless of the reason, there are countless testimonials from military veterans seeing nuclear missiles mysteriously malfunctioning moments after disc-shaped crafts were observed hovering over bases. Many of these observers were Nuclear and Missile Operations Officers–-individuals needing to be a picture of mental health. If you don’t trust the guys who can launch Nukes, who can you trust?

Check out Robert Hastings book UFO’s and Nukes for a sobering compilation of these incursions; pulling from testimonials of 150 veterans and 1000's of declassified military documents.

2. The US Government has admitted to researching them

Former Senate majority leader Harry Reid and other high level government officials have verified the existence of UAP and US government programs to study them.

Countless military personnel, including fighter pilots like Cmd. David Fravor--who testified to Congress in May 2022--have come forward as witnesses. Military footage and accompanying sensor data from infamous encounters like the Nimitz, Gimbal, and Gofast videos have been confirmed as authentic by the Pentagon.

Still don’t believe me?

Take it from a recent Director of the CIA:

"I think some of the phenomena we’re seeing continues to be unexplained and might... constitute a different form of life."

— John Brennan

Director of the Central Intelligence Agency 2013-2017

Source: 12/16/2020 | Podcast

3. Other world powers have been studying UAP as well

Russia, China, France, Great Britain, Canada, Brazil, Sweden, Belgium, Chile, Argentina, and Japan, among others, are currently studying or have at one point had official UAP research programs.

4. Happening throughout human history

Jacques Vallée, the famed UFO researcher, presents great information in his book Passport to Magonia, that argues the phenomenon has been happening for a long time. There are many parallels between antiquity and modern times that would discredit the US or foreign governments as the creators of such craft.

For example, descriptions of "flying shields" in ancient Rome resemble modern reports of disc-shaped UFOs. Similarly, reports of abductions by fairies in medieval folklore share parallels with modern alien abduction stories. Vallée argues that these similarities suggest a continuity in the phenomena across time.

Not to mention, the speed, acceleration and lack of a sonic boom observed by these craft defy current physics. No country is close to achieving these capabilities.

5. Sheer size of the known Universe

The Milky Way is home to an estimated 100-400 billion stars. With an estimated 2 trillion galaxies in the universe, you do the math. That’s alot of potential homes for life.

You’re still sure, UAP aren’t worth a look?

We are in our infancy as a civilization. There is alot we still don't understand.

Our lives are stranger and wilder than we often take time to notice.

In quantum mechanics, superposition tells us that particles can be in multiple states at the same time, until observed. Meaning, they can be in two places at once, but snap into a single position when we look.

95% of the matter in the universe is invisible. Only 5% is comprised of atoms, like us humans. The rest is comprised of dark matter and dark energy which we don’t yet understand.

You are on a ball of iron spinning at 1000 mph while orbiting a burning ball of hydrogen and helium gas at 67,000 mph while our solar system orbits around the center of the Milky Way galaxy at 514,000 mph; which happens to have a supermassive black hole at the center of it.

My point being, things are weird around us. UAP have a plethora of evidence these days and represent a possible answer to one of the big questions in life. Are we alone?


The UAP phenomenon is complex and puzzling. There appears to be a psychic or spiritual  component to many cases that we are just starting to look at. Perhaps another sense (like remote viewing) could be evolving in humanity to help us better understand these events Possibly, one already exists, but takes training or a genetic predisposition to meaningfully use.

Humans have been in a constant state of war since our beginnings, we are often irrational and unpredictable. We might verywell, be the Klingons in our galactic neighborhood. So it’s understandable that another intelligence might be a bit dodgy in their interactions with us.

For anyone out there that finds it so difficult to believe (Scully's of the world), take a look around the wacky miracle that you’re living day to day.

And please consider taking a moment here and there to educate yourself on UAP.

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